Country Living

I have been reading the UK Country Living magazine for years and constantly re-read all my back issues so each new issue is eagerly awaited. Unfortunately, in New Zealand we have to wait a long time after the issue date as most overseas magazines arrive here by ship unless you pay the big money for air freighted. The December issue arrived in our local shops last week and I was delighted to discover the feature on what people did with their empty Bonne Maman jam jars. I fill mine with buttons, still unfinished jam and homemade chutney. I would love to put homemade presents inside them and give away as they are the prettiest jars but I just can't part with them.
Country Living waiting on my bed as a reminder to sneak off early and read it from front to back and no peeking at the pages ahead. That ruins the anticipation. This magazine constantly inspires me - I can pick up a back issue from years back and still find it relevant today, even down here in New Zealand.

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