Autumn for a Day

Sweet Mary lavender heart.

Its early February here in Hawkes Bay and what we should have weather wise is hot and sunny. Instead, today is an autumn day, a day for greens and mustards and making Sweet Mary lavender hearts. The two retro patterned tins were bought on the way back from the Otane Waitangi Day market last week and the long plait of garlic from Setha's stall at the market. Otane is a small town about 25 minutes drive south of here.They have a thriving Farmer's Market every Sunday which is really worth a visit. Click HERE for their Facebook page, scroll down to read about the Waitangi Day market and also about Setha who not only grows and sells the most wonderful garlic but sings and plays in Cabin Fevre. Seriously cool toe tapping country music, the band will be at Cornwall in the Park this Sunday (I think, please check).

Setha's garlic

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