Things I Love
When not in use my quilts have often been hidden away but not any more. I am now the proud owner of this lovely piece of furniture bought from Redcurrent. Every time I pass I have a quick glance over my quilts and smile a bit to myself.
Ages ago someone gave me this recipe for what are called Energetic Muffins! So to fill the son up with something good I made a batch of these yesterday. They are really moist and full of fruit, nuts and seeds and declared "awesome" by the gym bunny.
The very ugly iron in my sewing room finally broke - I had been willing it to do this for a long time, finally it worked! I wanted the replacement to be retro/vintage style and in keeping with the rest of the room. After looking unsuccessfully at the local chainstore shops I had the bright idea of checking out the secondhand shops. I found this fabulous looking thing at Whites Traders - a huge secondstore jam packed with everything you can possibly imagine, and its only minutes from our home. Its very heavy and heats to a ferocious heat so I will have to be very vigilant about turning it off and the best bit is : I only paid $5 for it! I figure that even if I decide its too heavy at least I haven't lost much and it fits neatly into the recycling ethos too.
In case you are interested I made a peg bag out of this Soleiado style fabric - you can buy it here.