New Beginnings

Happy New Year to you all - family, friends and fellow bloggers.

I do get excited by the beginning of a new year. Its the sense of all the new things you may do or even just think about, a sense of positivity and what may be. Weirdly, I get a similar feeling on Friday nights, thinking about the weekend to come.
We had a busy but fun Christmas with family and friends joining us in the celebrations. Probably a little too much to eat and drink but so nice to sit around and talk and laugh. I personally received all my favourites as presents: books, craft magazines, fabric, Christmas decos, candles, soap and hand cream. Oh, and bubbly and pretty coloured glasses to drink said bubbles from. My husband gave me a new outside chair which lasted 3 days in the rain before the paint started to peel so that went back to the "big red box" for a refund. Refund was then spent at the garden centre on new plants for the garden so not a bad outcome. I'm happy.

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